Group of faculty

Dental Plans

Dental Plan Eligibility for Dependents

Dependents of Employees may be eligible for dental coverage if they fall into one of the following categories:

  • Legal spouse
  • Same-sex domestic partner or civil union partner
  • Eligible children under age 26 (including stepchildren, foster children, adopted children or children an employee is legally required to support)

A list of the documentation required for dependents can be found on the State website.

When Dental Plan Coverage Begins

Employee Type Coverage Example
10-Month Faculty hired 9/1 Benefits (medical, prescription, dental) effective 9/1 Ex: Faculty hired 9/1, benefits effective 9/1
10-Month fired after 9/1 Benefits (medical, prescription, dental) effective 60 days from hire date Ex: Faculty/Staff hired 10/1, benefits effective 12/1
12-Month Faculty hired 9/1 or after,
Regular Full-Time Staff
Benefits (medical, prescription, dental) effective 60 days from hire date Ex: Faculty/Staff hired 10/1, benefits effective 12/1

Available Dental Plans

Dental Expense Plan (PPO)
A traditional indemnity plan, administered by Aetna and Horizon, allows members to obtain services from any licensed dentist.
Dental Plan Organizations (DPOs)
Individual plans that offer services only through networks of participating dentists. There is one DPO plan available (Aetna DMO).

For more information about any participating plan, speak with a plan representative. Contact information can be found on the New Jersey Division of Pensions and Benefits Plan Contacts page.

Find My Dentist

If you need to find a new dentist in one of our networks, simply visit our Doctor & Hospital Finder. Our Doctor & Hospital Finder makes it easy to find a health care professional who matches your needs.

Dental Plan Fact Sheets

How to Enroll

Step 1

First time users:

  1. Visit
  2. Click on Access Benefitsolver
  3. Click on Register
  4. Enter the requested registration information
  5. Confirm your new password, then click “continue” to return to this page and login to Benefitsolver

Already have an account:

  1. Visit
  2. Login by entering your username and password
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9